Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Hello Hello!

This will have to be a quick one, but I am just in awe at how wonderful this gospel is!  This week was amazing! I don't know how I could ever explain everything that is going on because it is just so wonderful!  All I can say is that I LOVE the people that we are teaching.  I have grown to love these people so much more as I have spent 3 months with them.  I am so lucky to be here learning from everyone about how much Heavenly Father loves us all!

So the 40 day fast has been going really well! I feel so much more focused on the work, and I am starting to notice a change in my desires and in my heart.  I have more of a desire to do things the way the Lord wants them done.  So I didn't explain very well last time, but the 40 day fast is a fast from things that take our mind off the work. For example, I am fasting from playing with my hair.  I used to play with it while I study which was distracting.  And whenever I have the temptation to start playing with my hair again, I start singing a hymn in my head or think of Jesus Christ and all that he has done for me.  And the same thing goes for thoughts as well.  I can truly feel a change in myself.  It's so cool! I hope that helps explain!

Well I am still in Great Falls, but have a new wonderful companion! Sister Phelps from Syracuse, UT.  As far as we know she isn't related to Michael Phelps. Haha.  But she is so great and really has a desire to be here on a mission and share her testimony with others! She is brand new, so I am showing her how to be a missionary! It's scary in some ways to be a trainer because I want to give her my best.  I know that because Heavenly Father has asked me to train her and be her companion that I CAN DO THIS!!!   I just have to keep thinking positively and try my best!   Doctrine and Covenants 123:16-17 really comforted me this week!!!!

We got to teach Cedrick!! He is so ready to hear more about this gospel!! And we taught someone from Somolia. Crazy! I will have to tell you all more next week because my time is up, but I JUST KNOW WITH ALL MY HEART THAT THIS GOSPEL IS TRUE!

Sister Phelps and Sister Udall
Love, Sister Udall

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